Cash Price: $19,000

Owner Finance: $19,575 – $300 doc fee/$0 down & 87 payments of $248.94 ($225 Loan Payment, $10.00 Service Fee, $13.94 property tax)

• No credit check
• No interest
• No prepayment penalties

Click Here To Pay Your $300 Doc Fee Payment

Note: Down Payment & Doc Fee can be paid using credit or debit card. Monthly payments must be paid using ACH – checking account/routing number.

⚠️ Important: While you can camp and enjoy your property while making payments, permanent residency is not permitted until the land is fully paid off. Weekend camping and recreational use are welcome!

Acres: 20
Property Id: 61902
Legal Description: All that certain Tract 7, Section 36, Block 75, T & P Survey, Twp. 5, Hudspeth County, A total of 20.239 Acres.

Hudspeth CAD:
Hudspeth CAD GIS Map:
Recorded Deed: recorded purchase deed 20 Acres Hudspeth 61902

Elevation: 4,167 ft.
Topography: Flat
Roads: Dirt
HOA/POA: none
Utilities: none

This is off-grid land. There are no city utilities here. You can use batteries, a generator, solar panels or windmill for electricity.

For water you can bring it with you, drill a well, have water trucked in and delivered, set up a rain catchment system

State: Texas
County: Hudspeth
Property Tax: $167.19 yr.

Have Questions? – Read our F.A.Q.s or send us a message or see our testimonials.


Google Map Link:

A phone app such as Land Glide or OnX Hunt can be used to find parcel lines and corners while walking the property (if using OnX Hunt be sure to add the “TX Private Lands” map layer to see the parcel lines).

GPS Coordinates:

NorthWest Corner: 31.463872°,-105.808137°
SouthWest Corner: 31.460365°,-105.808081°
SouthEast Corner: 31.460353°,-105.805869°
NorthEast Corner: 31.463846°,-105.805923°

Ready to make this property yours? Have questions? Contact us today to start your journey to land ownership in beautiful West Texas!


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